Friday 29 November 2019

Jane Austen's Table

En route to a family gathering with my brothers in Southampton last Saturday, we stopped off at Chawton, near Winchester, and visited the museum which was once the home of one of England’s most loved novelists, Jane Austen.

The place has an atmosphere for it was here, in a settled and stable phase of her life that Jane Austen wrote the majority of her works; for a time averaging one book a year!

Her writing table caught my eye.  It was pushed up against the dining room window so she could catch the light and it was so small!  Not for her a massive desk strewn with rough copy manuscripts.  Instead this shy and tidy author was able to work in a confined place and from such simplicity grew enchanted plots and narratives about family life, love, village life and, of course, money!

I suppose the truth is that Jane Austen’s drive and creativity came from within, so all she needed was pen and ink, paper and this small table.  The results were literary masterpieces that have thrilled readers for generations.

The human spirit, which I believe reflects God’s, is wonderfully resilient and at times flourishes in humble, limited and simple circumstances.  So much of our best comes from within and is not dependant on wealth, luxury or the last ‘must have’ gadgets.

And that means the greatest novels can be written at the smallest tables.

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