Thursday 5 February 2015

AFC's Worship Teams

Last Saturday, even though it snowed, we had a good turn out for our Worship Teams' Training Day at Amersham Free Church.

These teams have become part of the church's identity over the last fifteen years.  They comprise of about three in each team and they go to various churches in our locality leading services.  So each team normally has a preacher, worship leader and reader.  From what I can gather this ministry is much appreciated - especially in smaller congregations without access to stipendiary ministry.  We were told on Saturday that over these last fifteen years the AFC Worship Teams have preached in twenty six churches taking three hundred services!

Last weekend team members spent the Saturday in 'training'.  We looked at the language we use in a service, identifying it as probably either 'heart' or 'head' language.  We considered the different genres of music we might put into a service, tried to re-define some biblical words using contemporary language and then after considering the 'Jigsaw of Worship' we split into small groups with each one putting together a service for a specific context and occasion.  That was the fun bit!  After half an hour the three groups came up with some tremendously thoughtful and imaginative services.

It was a great day with a very positive spirit and as a church we are so grateful to members of these teams who serve the wider Church in this way.

Of course for those of us doing the training the scary bit came on Sunday when we quite literally had to put into practise all we had preached on Saturday!

All good wishes,


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  I belong to a couple of book discussion groups, and both have looked at the former Chief Rabbi’s brilliant tome entitled Not in God’s Name...