Thursday 7 May 2020

Thursday 7th May 2020

One of the things I've really enjoyed during these 'odd' days of The Virus is working on the Website.  It's been lovely that so many people have made a contribution in their own style by writing various articles.  Over these last six weeks 21 folk have helped write for the website and 19 have made recordings of readings or prayers which we have been able to include in the audio-service.

The audio service works like this: on the previous weekend I send the 'reading' to Michael.  He and Sara then go through the archives selecting three hymns, a choir anthem, some prayers by Erna and a reader.  These are sent over to the Manse early in the week.  I then 'commission' various people to make recordings of prayers and readings in their own homes and as the week progresses they send these in via the internet.  On Thursday evening Matthew records my talk and the 'introductions', he also 'modifies' the hymns and other recordings so they all sound the same 'level'.  During the week he'll have arranged a song which he then records. These are then sent through to Michael who 'sews' the whole thing together.  The finished article is then sent back to me for a 'proof' listen - and once that's done we send a copy off to Peter who burns the CDs.  On Saturday evening Matthew uploads the service onto SoundCloud and on Sunday...well, that bit is over to you!  Then we start the whole process all over again!

Hazel wrote to me this week and said a recent survey has revealed that 1 in 5 people in the UK have listened in, or watched an online service over the last six weeks.  This has actually been a wonderful opportunity for the Church to have a different 'shop window'.

David and Elizabeth sent in the cartoon - I hope you like it!!!

In all you do today, may you know the joy and blessing of God.


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