Friday 19 July 2024

Learning from the young and old


This week my teachers have been a child from Year 1 of a local Primary School and a 90-year-old lady in a residential home.

After hosting a school visit last Wednesday, this week we received the drawings they made on their return to class.  Almost all the children seemed impressed by the number of chairs we had, so these figured highly in their artwork.  One student, however, when focussing on the Chancel area had drawn the Communion Table with the Bible on it, and in the Bible had written, in smallest of letters the word g o d.  I was so touched by that, and by their insight.  That God was part of all that is going on at the front of the church.  Perhaps it was juvenile theology, yet I thought it profound in its own way.  To see that a child had written g o d over the bible resting on the Lord’s Table made we glad.

And then, today, at the end of a monthly service in a residential home a lovely lady introduced herself to me and said as I was about to go A little faith fills a big hole. I smiled at her and said that was a lovely thought, beautifully put, stating I’ve never heard that before.  No, she said with a twinkle in her eye, that’s because I’ve only just thought of it! She repeated it one more time, putting both hands over her heart as she did so, as if to say it’s true for me. I came away feeling truly blessed for such a privileged conversation.

Our teachers come in all shapes and sizes, and all ages.  And through them, praise God, we hear the Whisper of the Spirit, and our hearts are glad.

I hope you enjoy the summer.  The Blog will return in the middle of September – after my Jury Service!  

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