Thursday 20 June 2024

Experiencing Christian and Hindu funeral rites


Yesterday we had the great privilege of hosting a multi-cultural/religious funeral for the husband of one of our members.  The family, with Sri Lankan roots, wanted to honour the Christian heritage of their mother alongside the Hindu traditions of their father.

So, in our church hall, a service of Christian prayers was held before the Hindu funeral rites were performed.

I think all of the folk from AFC who helped out behind the scenes felt it was such a special and worthwhile occasion.

One of the most profoundly moving things I learnt preparing for yesterday is the Hindu tradition that on the day of the funeral the family make financial provision for food to be distributed to the needy from a local temple.  Also, that since the day of her husband’s passing until his funeral the family haven’t needed to cook, because members of the Sri Lankan community have called every evening with freshly cooked meals.

I was so impressed by the generosity of heart behind both of these wonderful traditions.  Customs based on love.

In the blending of cultures and rituals we witnessed yesterday it was this sense of love that united us.  It was palpable and crossed the divide of language and culture.  As we bade farewell to a much-loved family member, a spirit of love infused both the Christian and Hindu rites.

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