Thursday 16 May 2024

Ascension to Pentecost


This week, as far as the Church calendar is concerned, we’re in an in-between time.  Ascension was last Thursday and we’re heading towards the festival of Pentecost this coming Sunday.

Whilst leading the opening devotions at our recent meeting, one of our Elders reflected on that farewell moment of Jesus at Ascension.  She said how much she appreciated that the greeting goodbye comes from the Old English meaning God be with you. She pondered that such a thought might make parting a little easier.

Well, we’re told it was as he was blessing them that Jesus departed from his disciples.  And they consequently seemed up for their new future, returning, we are told, to Jerusalem joyfully.

Pentecost, ten days later, celebrates that God is with us, by his Spirit.  Its message, in the early days of summer, reflects that of Christmas held in mid-winter, of Immanuel, God alongside us.

An old illustration, often used at children’s services at Pentecost is of a glove, lifeless without a hand, yet utterly transformed when filled by our fingers.

We humans find our lives filled with energy and purpose in so many ways, and we gain life giving inspiration from so many sources. I like to attribute all that good energy to the ministry of God the Holy Spirit filling and en-livening us.

Another, much loved image of The Spirit is the dove – we particularly think of the gospel picture of one descending , as it were, on Jesus at his baptism – a sign and seal of God’s presence and filling.

In a few weeks time, in Paris at the Olympics, the world will gather together for a festival of sport.  In our fractured times the Olympics, we hope, might bring us together, and what better a symbol of our shared humanity being blessed by the presence of our Alongside God than the release of hundreds of doves into the air above Paris.

May God’s Spirit of peace and strength, enliven us this and every day.

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