Friday 28 May 2021

Signposting a Bishop and a Prince at Pentecost


Last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost; a time when we remember God speaking to us in new ways we can understand.  Well, this year I have sensed God’s word touching my own life through the words of a bishop and prince – so I’m taking this opportunity through the blog to signpost them to you, hoping they may be a blessing in your life too.

The Bishop is Michael Curry, and he is the Archbishop of the Episcopal Church in North America and last Sunday he preached from the Canterbury Pulpit of Washington Cathedral.  You’ll find his sermon on YouTube and I’ve indicated its web address at the end of this piece.

Bishop Curry is a fiery preacher and he’s also a fine theologian.  You’ll probably need to lay down in a darkened room and catch your breath after you’ve listened to his sermon!  I loved it.  I loved the passion and sincerity.  I loved the insight and compassion.  I was particularly struck by the way he married together Christmas and Pentecost as he said:  At Pentecost, The Spirit gives birth to Jesus in the lives of human beings – Christmas happens – Pentecost becomes the extension of the Incarnation.

Perhaps it’s appropriate to listen to a bishop at Pentecost as one of the reasons sometimes given for their mitres is that they represent the tongues of fire that fell on those first disciples.  Quite a nice thought as a bishop, in full robes and mitre, does resemble a candle in some ways!  Well, Bishop Curry certainly reflected the light of Christ on Sunday and I thank God for him.

And what of The Prince?  Well, that would be Prince William, who this week has acted as the Queen’s representative, The Lord High Commissioner, at the General Assembly of The Church of Scotland in Edinburgh.

Yesterday, at its closing session the Prince said: As I sat in Canongate Kirk last Sunday listening to Neil Gardner’s sermon, I felt particularly fortunate that my week as Lord High Commissioner coincided with Pentecost.  A week that celebrates the way in which the Holy Spirit kindled within Jesus’ early followers a desire to learn from others – whose tongues they now understand – and to share far and wide the Christian message of love and service.  I have kept this message at the forefront of my mind this week.

Once again, I felt God speaking to me as I read these wonderful words.

Pentecost – a time to hear afresh the voice of God in many different tongues.  And this year I heard that word through a Bishop and a Prince.

May you know the blessing of God in all you do this day,


ps. Blog holiday next week!

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