Wednesday 3 June 2020

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

On Sunday we delighted in hearing greetings from teh Vogel family in Germany.  Here is the extended text sent by Jochen, alongside a picture of their congregation meeting for Pentecost Sunday worship outside the church.

Our dear friends in Amersham!

Ian asked us if we could formulate some thoughts on AFC at Pentecost. We'd love to do that.
Because Pentecost is a really fitting occasion to communicate with each other.
 We often think of you and wonder how you are getting through this difficult time. We hope that none of you and your loved ones were infected by Covid 19!  But even those who have remained healthy will still suffer in a way:
 You and we suffer with those who are infected and those who mourn for a loved one. With those who are severely burdened by the economic consequences and especially with those who are socially isolated.We all lack the personal contacts with our relatives, with friends, professional colleagues (we even miss the hairdresser - our hair looks like Boris Johnson's) and also with our church community. This has always been a matter of course, but now we realize how valuable and vital it is - like our daily bread!
In Rohrsen we really have luck in misfortune. We  all are healthy and we are all together in the family, including our mother with her 87 years. The work on the farm runs relatively normally for Rosemarie and me, there are only sometimes problems in obtaining materials. Unfortunately, we have too little rain, but luckily we are able to irrigate some areas, especially the potatoes. So don't worry, there will be chips again next year!
 And every day the vegetation continues to grow and every day it is a great joy to work outside and rejoice in God's creation. For example the golden yellow rape fields during the last weeks and now the dog roses and lupines or the beautiful flowering rhododendrons, also in our garden.
 About the Corona situation: there are only 3 infected people left in our district of Nienburg (about 150.000 people), the maximum was about 70, but nobody had to go to intensive care.
Our children Dorothee, Rebecca, Wiebke and Hauke study online from home, Johannes, the eldest, works in home office for an agricultural credit bank.  His girlfriend Tamara also works in a bank. She has to serve customers for a few days every week, of course with a mask and distance.
So we are in good hands  and very grateful for that. And next Sunday – Pentecost - there will finally be a - almost - real church service again. Hopefully the weather will be nice, as we want to celebrate outside in front of the church on the lawn - with a lot of distance. There is a trombone choir (max. 6 winds) and a solo singer. We are not allowed to sing ourselves, because the authorities think that we spit too much. It's a pity, because especially at Pentecost traditionally one of my favourite songs is always sung: "Go forth my heart and seek Delight".
During the last weeks there were only a few church messages here via our homepage. It was much in Amersham and we have great respect for how you  used the new media so intensively to keep in touch in the church community and not  leaving anyone alone. We looked over your shoulder a little bit and are thrilled how you made the best out of the situation. Especially impressive are the virtual church services, which give you the feeling of being together with the others. It's also wonderful how Methew created the musical framework - we watched him on YouTube composing in his "Universal Studios". Super !!
In this unusual Corona time many different messages are spread in many different countries in many different languages. There are recriminations, misinformation and conspiracy theories (e.g. against Bill Gates - Thanks for your good comment, Michael). People become insecure and lose their compass. Where are we, where are we going and who is honest and shows us the right way?
Thank God it is now it´s Pentecost
 in many different countries, in many different languages, there are not many different messages, but one Pentecost message for all of us:
God fills us with his Spirit and gives us new courage and new confidence, faith and strength and love and: the great Christian community!
And with this new confidence, faith in God's goodness, with strength and love and in close companionship with our neighbors, whatever may come can come.Wir schaffen das!
That way we will overcome the crisis. And in the end it will make us even stronger and will teach us what the truly important things in life are.

Dear friends in Amersham,
these are some of the thoughts that move us when we think of Pentecost and of you in Amersham.
We wish you a wonderful Pentecost full of optimism and say goodbye with the words of your great Queen:

We will meet again!
Jochen, Rosemarie, Johannes, Dorothee, Rebecca, Wiebke and Hauke

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